See how Mastersystem and AWS went from plan to 500%
increase in revenue in

Focus on planning, execution, clear messaging and value proposition across the organisation propel MSI cloud business to unprecedented levels in just 100 days.

“The AWS PTP helped us develop the mindset and strategy that we needed to start selling cloud solutions.”
- Rinaldo Darmawan Susilo, Product General Manager, Mastersystem
A roadmap (Business and Technology) for growth developed through an assessment of your existing operating model against target state
Your personalised organisation transformation plan of activities to achieve your goals to transform and grow your business
Go from plan to results in a 100-day with regular and time-boxed check-in(s) with your team

Growing revenue by 500%
The results

Business and Technical goals (competences and operating model) actualised

Trust and strong collaboration
formed internally and with partner

Do you have a large portfolio to sell?
Are your sales rep experiencing challenges on which products to position?
Is your distributed sales force having trouble delivering your product value proposition to prospective customers?
Is it difficult to grow and enable your partner sales force exponentially in a timely fashion?